The rural settlement of La Rectoria (Navès, Solsonès). The presence of the pottery manufactured at the workshop of Pla d’Abella in a centre of consumption

Josep M. Gurt i Esparraguera, Jacinto Sánchez Gil de Montes

The archaeological remains of the Roman rural settlement known as La Rectoria de Navès in the Municipality of Navès (Solsonès, Province of Lleida) were excavated between 1984 and 1988. The objective of the archaeological interventions were to explore a settlement that was at least in part contemporary to the nearby pottery workshop Pla de Abella, known for its productions of Hispanic Terra Sigillata (TSH), identified and excavated by Serra Vilaró in the first quarter of the 20th century. Recording the archaeological finds of this centre known to have consumed this type of pottery
opens up the possibility of improving our understanding of the workshop’s productions, especially to more precisely identify the time frame of its productions.
Keywords: rural settlement, Hispanic Terra Sigillata, African ceramic ware